MVP - Magma Venture Partners
MVP stands for Magma Venture Partners
Here you will find, what does MVP stand for in Firm under Finance category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Magma Venture Partners? Magma Venture Partners can be abbreviated as MVP What does MVP stand for? MVP stands for Magma Venture Partners. What does Magma Venture Partners mean?The firm is located in Helsinki, Uusimaa, Finland and deals in venture capital & private equity.
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Alternative definitions of MVP
- Most Valuable Player
- Most Valuable Player
- Most Valuable Professional
- Most Valuable Professional
- Mitral Valve Prolapse
- Most Valuable Primate
- Most Valued Professional
- Music And Video Player
View 144 other definitions of MVP on the main acronym page
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- MPC Maxwell Products Corp.
- MPTG Metropolitan Pensions Trust Ghana
- MML Momentum Magazine Ltd.
- MCCOC Mics Call Center and Outsourcing Company
- MCIC Manhattan College Investment Club
- MFUSA Mentor Foundation USA
- MYW Moksha Yoga Winnipeg
- MFE Moving Forward Education
- MLM Mount Lucas Management
- MTIC Monroe Title Insurance Corporation
- MCIS Mill Contractor and Industrial Supply
- MCL Maly Consulting LLC
- MSA Mike Shively Architecture
- MBI Mason Braun International
- MF The Miriam Foundation
- MC The Monday Campaigns